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Item hooks will get the item type, the custom model data and the color and apply use that. No NBT data is being copied.


# The Bukkit material or hook
id: itemsadder:<namespace>:<item_name>


# The Bukkit material or hook
id: nexo:<item_name>


# The Bukkit material or hook
id: oraxen:<item_name>


# The Bukkit material or hook
id: mythic:<item_name>


PlaceholderAPI Placeholders can be used in item names & lore.

List of (most) PAPI Placeholders:

Placeholders provided by HMCWraps

Please replace <uuid> with a valid uuid of a wrap.

  • %hmcwraps_mainhand% - Returns the uuid of wrap in the current main hand
  • %hmcwraps_filter% - Returns a translatable message if the filter is active
  • %hmcwraps_<uuid>_equipped% - Returns a translatable message if the specified wrap is currently on the item the player is wrapping with the virtual menu
  • %hmcwraps_<uuid>_modelid% - Returns the model id of the specified wrap
  • %hmcwraps_<uuid>_color% - Returns the hex color of the specified wrap
  • %hmcwraps_<uuid>_type% - Returns the item type (material) or the collection the specified wrap is in