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Permission Settings

You can configure what permissions are checked in the permissions section of the config.yml.


  • inventory-permission - If the wrap inventory open permission should be checked on wraps inventory open.
  • preview-permission - If the preview should be disabled if the player doesn't have the permission for the wrap.
  • check-permission-physical - If the permission should be checked during usage of physically wrapped items.
  • check-permission-virtual - If the permission should be checked during usage of virtually wrapped items.
  • permission-physical - If permissions should be checked when wrapping an item physically. (Useful to have it disabled when you want player to trade wraps.)
  • permission-virtual - If permissions should be checked when wrapping an item virtually.
  • inventory-check-interval - The interval in minutes to check for wraps without permission, set to -1 to disable.

Example A

# Settings on how permissions should be handled
# If the wrap inventory open permission should be checked on wraps inventory open
inventory-permission: false
# If the preview should be disabled if the player doesn't have the permission for the wrap
preview-permission: false
# If permission checks should be performed during usage for...
# ...physical wraps
check-permission-physical: false
# ...virtual wraps
check-permission-virtual: true
# If permissions should be checked on appliance for...
# ...physical wraps
permission-physical: false
# ...virtual wraps
permission-virtual: true
# The interval in minutes to check for wraps without permission, set to -1 to disable
inventory-check-interval: 10