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Adding wraps is an extremely simple task in HMCWraps. You can use all the options from the ConfigItem except:

  • id now takes the custom model id or a hook of the wrap, which also applies when wrapping an item
  • color - The color of the wrap, either in hexadecimal or RGB
  • actions - Do something when the wrap gets wrapped, unwrapped or previewed. More on that here: Actions
  • wrap-name - The name the item should have after being wrapped.
  • wrap-lore - The lore the item should have after being wrapped.
  • wrap-nbt - The NBT the item should have after being wrapped.
  • wrap-flags - The flags the item should have after being wrapped.
  • wrap-durability - The durability the item should have after being wrapped.
  • All other changes only affect the item shown in the inventory

All options specific to wraps:

# The permission to virtually apply this wrap (inventory) (not required)
permission: 'hmcwraps.fire_sword'
# The UUID (global identifier), has to be unique in ALL wraps!
uuid: 1
# Either custom model data (1) or a hook to get the custom model id (oraxen:my_sword)
id: '1'
# The color of the wrap (not required)
color: '#ff0000'
# The name applied to the item when wrapped
wrap-name: '<red>Something cool'
# The lore applied to the item when wrapped
- 'hello!'
# The physical wrap to apply (not required)
physical: # A physical wrapper (not required)

Locked options

If you want to have the plugin display something else when the player does not have permissions for the wrap, you can add the following stuff:

locked-item is just a ConfigItem which will be displayed.

However, if you don't want to change the whole item but just the lore and the display name, you can use the following options:

  • locked-name
  • locked-lore

Both of them can be configured regularly like name and lore.

Equipped options

If you want to have the plugin display something else when the player has that wrap equipped, you can add the following stuff:

equipped-item is just a ConfigItem which will be displayed.

In case you want a PlaceholderAPI placeholder, you can use the following: %hmcwraps_equipped_the_wrap_uuid% (replace the_wrap_uuid with the uuid of the wrap). You can edit the output of that file in the

Armor Imitation

The biggest pain in the industry is probably the fact that you can't apply wraps to armor other than leather. However, HMCWraps has a solution for that! Configure your wrap as usual for the specific type, (e.g. DIAMOND_HELMET) and add the following option:

armor-imitation: true

Just remember, that any work you do in your resource pack (manager), has to be applied to the leather alternative, in this case LEATHER_HELMET.

In order for this to function flawlessly, some inventories like crafting, enchanting and anvils have been disabled for imitated items.


To control which items should or should not have acces to that wrap more precisly, you can use ranges.

Each criteria has two lists, which you can't use simultaneously:

exclude - Any item matching any of the entries won't have access to that wrap.

include - Any item matching any of the entries will exclusively have access to that wrap. Items that don't match won't have access.

Ranges have the following criteria:

model-id - This checks for the model id. Use -1 as the default model id.

color - This checks for the color. Use none as no color.

oraxen - This checks for the Oraxen id if available. You use the regular hook syntax without the oraxen: prefix.

itemsadder - This checks for the ItemsAdder id if available. You use the regular hook syntax without the itemsadder: prefix.

mythic - This checks for the Crucible id if available. You use the regular hook syntax without the mythic: prefix.


- 22
- 23
- 24

Only items with the model id 22, 23 or 24 can be wrapped with that wrap.

Physical Wraps

Physical wraps are physical items (like a token) that can be used to apply a wrap to the item. The configuration for physical wraps really is just a ConfigItem, with one single addition:

  • keep-after-unwrap - When an item is wrapped with the physical wrapper, this option decides, if the player gets this wrap back, when they unwrap the item.

To create a physical wrap, simply add something like this to the bottom of your wrap configuration. (Example)

# The Bukkit material or a hook
id: 'PAPER'
# Custom model id, automatically applies if you have set a hook in the id value
model-id: 2
# Name displayed
name: '<red>Fire Sword <gray>Wrap'
# If the physical should be given back to the player after they unwrap
# an item wrapped with the physical wrapper or not
keep-after-unwrap: true
# Lore displayed
- '<green>Apply this to an item to wrap it!'


You have two options when adding wraps: (You can also use the command!)

A: In the config.yml, there is an entry called items, where you can add wraps.

B: You can create Wrap Files, which are located in plugins/HMCWraps/wraps/ and can be nested 10 folders deep.

Example A: config.yml

items: # Items entry in config.yml
DIAMOND_SWORD: # Where the wrap should be applicable. Either a material or a collection
1: # Counter, this doesn't really matter, it just has to be different from other items in this list
id: '1'
uuid: 'fire_sword'
name: '<red>Fire Sword <gray>Wrap'
id: 'PAPER'
name: '<red>Fire Sword <gray>Wrap'
model-id: '2'
keep-after-unwrap: true

Example B: wraps/fire_wraps.yml

# If this Wrap File should be enabled and loaded
enabled: true
items: # Items entry in fire_wraps.yml
DIAMOND_SWORD: # Where the wrap should be applicable. Either a material or a collection
1: # Counter, this doesn't really matter, it just has to be different from other items in this list
id: '1'
uuid: 'fire_sword'
name: '<red>Fire Sword <gray>Wrap'
id: 'PAPER'
name: '<red>Fire Sword <gray>Wrap'
model-id: '2'
keep-after-unwrap: true

Example C: wraps/johndoe.yml (with armor imitation enabled)

enabled: true
id: '1' # This has to be for the leather alternative, in this case LEATHER_HELMET
uuid: 'fire_sword'
name: '<blue>John Doe <gray>Wrap'
color: '#ff0000' # This too
armor-imitation: true # The important part

Note: Did you know that you can add as many wraps in a Wrap File as you want?

This ensures easy drag n' drop configurations!
